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EMF - Shungite chrystals

Does EMF (electromagnetic frequencies) affect honeybees?


Derek Condit has a summary of the research that has been done on this topic on his webpage:



One of the ways he suggests we help the bees is to put 3 shungite crystals either inside the hive or on the landing board, as shown below on one of Derek's hives.

The crystals are black, touching each other on the right hand side of the entrance.

Shungite at entrance bee hive.JPG

Here is a link to listen to Derek being interviewed by Jay Pee on Wolf Spirit Radio.


So I tried this on my hives and the results were truly amazing.

Withing 48 hours, the bees on the landing board were seriously grooming each other.

I could see 3 girls on each worker bee, climbing all over her intensely.

And the drones had 2 workers grooming him.

My varroa drops in the bottom tray tripled, yet when I was in the hive....I could not see any varroa on the bees.

What I did not notice until then was that one of my hives is 1/2 mile from two cell towers.


So this is worth a try.  

One crystal runs about 3$. 

When you research the other characteristics of shungite crystals, you will like what you see.  

You can get these crystals at most gem stores or buy them online or contact Derek Condit at his website.  


Let me know what you notice if you try this.

Blessings on your journey to supporting healthy happy bees.


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