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Why use Source Energy Medicine with Bees?

In the spring of 2014, Stephen Pollitt introduced Source Energy Medicine labels for honeybees. Each label has specific intentions for the bees.  


Stephen Pollitt is putting these bee labels out to the public for FREE because he knows the bees need help.


I know there is not a lot of testimonials or field trials to prove this system works. Try it out and see.  What beekeepers' see / measure in their hives will be the bees' responses.  These labels are especially easy for people to use who have no method to communicate with bees or a beehive.


My philosophy to achieve my own good health is 'try it and see how my body responds'.  Some healing modalities work wonders for me.  Others have no effect.   Keep experimenting and keep trying new things.  Eventually the best possible options make themselves known. 


The bees will let you know if these work. 


Stephen has lots of free training on his website.  Stephen has labels for humans too.  So what you learn for the honeybees might also be helpful for yourself and family members.  


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