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Flower Essences

In the beginning of my learning to work with bees, I did a lot reading, research, attending meetings, working with bees myself and meeting beekeepers. I realized that the bees were struggling. I did not have many tools in my tool box to help the bees out energetically...... yet.


Understanding how bees would live naturally in the wild has helped me to understand bee biology and what bees need to maintain their health and vitality.  I am seeking a way to work with bees (in hives) that is centered around what is best for the bees.  From my own health challenges, when I align my life in harmony with how MY body works, then health is a natural outcome. I acknowledge that each person is different and will have to experiment to find out what they need to achieve abundant health.


This is the foundation that directed my methods of working with bees.  Machaelle Small Wright has been communicating with Nature and Nature Intelligences now for 30 years and writes books to teach us how to do the same ( Here, in her words, are the benefits of communicating with Nature:


Using similar protocols from the books below, I sent flower essence energy to the bees for their needs.

Perelandra Book 2.jpg
Perelandra Book 1.jpg

What surprised me the most was the amount of stress and trauma the bees were experiencing.  Bees are so very sensitive to their environment, something I never really thought about until I started learning from them.  Over time, with flower essences sent weekly to balance their energy, they improved and became much more resilient and needed less flower essences.



1. You can send these energies long distances and do not have to be at the hive to use them.

2.  They are gentle and are FREE of negative side effects.  If the bees do not need them, then the energy is just not used.

3.  They often work on the emotional aspects of these beings - stress, etc.

4.  Once you learn the system, you can use these flower essences on yourself, other humans, cats, dogs, horses, land, plants, insects eating the plants, etc.

5.  Flower essences are common and found in most health food stores or on the internet.  Machaelle's must be ordered from her site.

6.  Once you learn to dowse, you now have a way to communicate with the bees and nature.

7.  Her books give you such insight into nature and how She works on this planet. Fascinating material really.

8.  Machaelle has a hot line you can call for help.

9.  Bees get food from their flowers, would it not make sense that they also get medicines from them?  Medicines may come in the form of nutrition and also in energy - like flower essences.



1.  There is a learning curve involved. 

Her books will teach you to dowse and this takes practice.

2.  It is not free.  Books and flower essences will need to be purchased.



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