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Source Energy Medicines for YEAR round bees:




So why would a beekeeper want to use Source Energy Medicines (SEM) year round with their hives?


1.  It guarantees that your bees are receiving SEM all the time.

2.  SEM applied to a hive is transforming the energy of ALL the bees in the hive, the comb, and any 'guests' in the hive.

3.  Bees may NOT be drinking the SEM waters you put out for them. They may be drinking water away from your apiary as they look for nectar/pollen sources.

4.  Each hive can be worked with individually or collectively as a group.


Instructions below include:

* Steps to use SEM on a SINGLE bee hive

* Steps to use SEM on MULTIPLE bee hives

* How to decide which SEM labels to use?

Steps to use SEM on a SINGLE bee hive:

Please read this section on a full computer screen.  I have not figured out how to get it to appear correctly on a cell phone yet.


1.  Take a picture of your bee hive.


2.  You will need the following items:

* 4" X 6" picture frame - 1 glass for each SEM label to be used  (Dollar store item)

* masking tape

* SEM apis labels

* clear quartz cyrstal - anywhere from 1-2 inches (3-5 cm) long and about 1 cm width

single hive crystal_edited.jpg

Q: Why is a clear quartz crystal used?

A: To amplify the energy of the label and send a strong SEM energy signal from the picture of hive to the actual hive.

(Tidbit info:  clear quartz crystals are used in lots of technology today - radios, computer chips, liquid crystal displays, digital watches, and even satellites)


3.  Clear the crystal:

Place your crystal outside, on the ground, for 24 hours.  Ask Mother Earth to clean away any non-beneficial energies in the crystal for you.  Thank her.


4.  Tape the glass edge with masking tape.  Tape the SEM label to the glass. I add 'Bees' to the label to make sure the honeybees get a bee SEM label and humans get a human SEM label. 




glass taped with SEM label_edited.jpg

NOTE: When you place a SEM label on glass, the glass becomes a charging plate. The glass keeps the SEM charge permanently.  Therefore, you cannot put a different label on this glass that is charged as TAF3.  Once TAF3, always TAF3. 


5.  Now place the SEM charging plate on the picture of your honeybee hive. Use only 1 charging plate at at time.

Steps to use SEM on MULTIPLE bee hives:

1.  Take a picture of the hives you wish to apply Source Energy Medicines to.  This might be a whole bee yard or individual hives put together like the example below. Make sure to mark the hives to identify them on the picture.  For example, each hive might have a number on them.

multiple hive pictures_edited.jpg

2.  You will need the following items:

* 8" X 10" picture frame - 1 glass for each SEM label to be used  (Dollar store item)

* masking tape

* SEM apis labels

* clear quartz cyrstal - anywhere from 1-2 inches long and about 2 cm or 1 " thick

large crystal multiple hives_edited.jpg

Q: Why is a clear quartz crystal used?

A: To amplify the energy of the label and send a strong SEM energy signal from the picture of the hives to the actual hives.

(Tidbit info:  clear quartz crystals are used in lots of technology today - radios, computer chips, liquid crystal displays, digital watches, and even satellites)


3.  Clear the crystal:

Place your crystal outside, on the ground, for 24 hours.  Ask Mother Earth to clean away any non-beneficial energies in the crystal for you.  Thank her.


4.  Tape the glass edge with masking tape.  Tape the SEM label to the glass. 

NOTE: When you place a SEM label on glass, the glass becomes a charging plate. The glass  keeps the SEM charge permanently.  Therefore, you cannot put a different label on this glass that is charged as ELPF1.  Once ELPF1, always ELPF1 


5.  Now place the SEM charging plate on the picture of your bee hives. Use only 1 charging plate at at time.

Choosing which Source Energy Medicine Label to use:

Okay, lets keep this simple.



You can ONLY use 1 SEM label on a picture at one time.


The two most needed labels for bees at the start are:

* TAF3 (Transformation apis fusion #3 - transforms stress, chemicals and germs to non-detrimental energies)


ELPF1 (Energy level progression fusion 1 - transforms negative emotions to higher, beneficial energies)


So here is what I have done in the past:


Week 1 = TAF3 on the picture of bees.

Week 2 = ELPF1 on the picture of bees.

Week 3 = TAF3

Week 4 = ELPF1 

Continue with this for a while.


I have found the bees to be under lots of stress.  My bees needed these labels for months on end


PS.  If you know how to dowse, then you can change the labels accordingly.

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Thank you for helping us bees. We love you so much!

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