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Homeopathy was developed in the late 18th century by Samuel Hahnemann, a respected doctor in Germany. Hahnemann believed that "like cures like" and that minute concentrations of a particular toxin could cure the very same symptoms it would cause in larger doses. 


For example, when I get a bee sting .... I can feel the energy flowing throughout my body.  When I take the homeopathic remedy made from a bee sting (Apis Mellifera), the symptoms decrease significantly. It is as if the homeopathic remedy gives a signal to my body that we have this particular issue and instructs the intelligence of my body to go and heal it. 


Helios Homoeopathy Ltd in the UK has started to make homeopathic remedies for Varroa. You can order it as granules or in a liquid remedy.  I would suggest you ask them to FOIL WRAP the remedy for shipping as this protects the energy of the remedy while being shipped.




How to give a homeopathic remedy to honeybees:

A. You can put the remedy in a water source that bees go to during the summer time.

B.  You can put the remedy in sugar water and spray on the bees.

C.  You can deliver the remedy to the honeybees using Machaelle Small Wright's protocols from her flower essences books.



As far as I know to date, there has not experimental proof that homeopathies work with varroa on honeybees.  It might be that the German people have this data, but I am unaware of it to date.  


So you can try this method to HELP control varroa infestations, but you might still have to use registered methods by Ontario to control your varroa challenge.


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